SNCF Project
Product Owner mission

Product Owner mission on the SNCF Single Customer Reference and Passenger Data Manager
- Collection of business requirements (MOA), organization and animation of meetings
- Project presentations and animation of demonstrations to business teams (MOA)
- Creation of project framing documents and drafting of expressions of business functional needs
- Creation of user stories, management of anomalies under JIRA and provision of tickets to developers
- Setting ticket priority and backlog management
- Verification of figures from a service center
- Monitoring the progress of developments, tests, alerts and prioritization of US and incidents
- Analysis of passenger data and anticipation of anomalies and alerts
- Traveler data recovery and correction strategy
- Global vision of the ins and outs of data flows between services
- Functional incident support
- Participation and contribution to the PI
- Planning of the SNCF IT Service Department
- Reorganization of US and JIRA Boards so that they can integrate into the company’s SAFe approach
- Sharing best practices with partner teams
- Business process analysis and modeling
- Quality control
- Montréal, Québec
- (+1) 438 338-5150
- (+33) 7 68 01 37 06
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